1. |
check in | 入住時間 | ||||
2. |
check out time | 退房時間 | ||||
3. |
front desk | 櫃台 | ||||
4. |
reception | 櫃台(接待處) | ||||
5. |
passport | 護照 | ||||
6. |
I.D. | 身分證 | ||||
7. |
registration form | 住宿登記表格 | ||||
8. |
room number | 房號 | ||||
9. |
Please follow me. | 請跟我來。 | ||||
10. |
I will show you the way. | 我帶你去。 | ||||
11. |
Please fill out the form. | 請填表格。 | ||||
12. |
The balance is _____. | 請再付_______ 元。 | ||||
13. |
Please return the key to the front desk. | 麻煩請將鑰匙交給櫃台。 | ||||
14. |
Do you need a morning call? | 你需要晨喚服務嗎? | ||||